Key Learnings from LocalU Advanced, August 2021
I’ll let you into a little secret. If you’re super-duper into local SEO, and you’re not already attending LocalU Advanced you’re missing a trick. This is where the top minds and actual practitioners in the space get together and share ALL-NEW content including research, case studies, how-tos, and much, much more. I got the chance to attend the last event on August 31, and, as always, I bloody loved it. So much that I wrote up the key takeaways from my favorite talks from Joy Hawkins , Rachel Anderson , Greg Gifford , Dana DiTomaso so that you can enjoy them too! Joy Hawkins: Make Your Images Worth a Thousand Words Ah, I do love Sterling Sky’s Joy Hawkins , I always get some great takeaways any time I listen to her speak, and using images more effectively is something I’m always looking to upskill on! Joy starts by summing up three objectives for having great images: Look better Rank better Get more leads Let’s start with ‘Look better’ Marketers often forget to check ho...