Say Hello to a Bolder, Brighter BrightLocal

You’ve probably noticed that things look a little different around here. That’s because we’ve just launched our new brand identity!

Say Hello to a Bolder, Brighter BrightLocal

Taking our brand forward

We’re big believers in the power of brand, which is why we’ve continued to invest in ours over the years.

We’re confident that we have one of the most recognized and trusted brands in local SEO, but as with everything we do, we’re not going to rest on our laurels. We have a restless nature that urges us to always question what could be improved and how we can do things better.

This isn’t the first time we’ve refreshed our brand. After all, we exist in an industry that is constantly evolving. Sitting still is not an option.

Our business is constantly evolving, too. In the years since we last refreshed our brand identity, we’ve welcomed over 70 new faces to the BrightLocal team and expanded our offering with Local Search Grid, Showcase Reviews, BrightLocal Academy, BrightLocal Agency Directory, Local RankFlux, and much more.

Whereas previous rebrands have mainly been motivated by the need for a visual refresh to reflect changing design trends, this time we’ve gone much deeper and asked ourselves to really think about who we are, who we’re here for, and what’s important for our customers to know about us.

So without further delay, let me guide you through the new BrightLocal brand identity.

No change of heart

Our logo has undergone a subtle change. It’s an evolution more than a revolution because, quite frankly, we really liked our logo!

Brightlocal Logo

The ‘Heart Pin’ is one of the most recognizable and iconic aspects of our identity. It proudly displays our love of all things local and communicates the importance of teamwork, community and generosity within the business.

It’s also the symbol of our monthly team awards, The Big Heart Awards, where we recognize the team members who have done exceptionally amazing work and gone above and beyond for their colleagues and/or customers. Each month, BrightLocal makes a donation to a charity that’s important to the winners. Since the launch of the awards last year, we’ve donated $10,000 to 24 charities.

Heart Pin

It was a no-brainer to keep the ‘Heart Pin’ sitting proudly within our logo.

The text in the logo is now lowercase, and the eagle-eyed amongst you will notice the font type has changed. The lowercase text is less formal and more approachable, which better reflects our welcoming culture.

While the logotype is changing to be lowercase, rest assured we’re not changing the company name formatting. Everywhere else, we’re still good old ‘BrightLocal’, with the capital B and the capital L.

Color me impressed

Color was a major area we wanted to look at. Over the years, our color palette has expanded considerably, so it was important for us to question the role that color was playing within our identity.

We’ve used color to distinguish between different products within our platform. We also slightly diverted from our palette when creating the identities for BrightLocal Academy and BrightLocal Agency Directory. It’s fair to say we had had a lot of colors competing for attention!

Our previous primary colors

Our old primary colors


When it came down to it, there were two colors that we felt were most strongly associated with BrightLocal: green and blue. So while we still needed a variety of colors to paint with, green and blue needed to be leaned on more heavily, and elevated within our identity.

Beyond having too many competing colors, our previous palette felt too muted. After all, half of our company name is ‘bright’, and these colours were definitely not that. We like to think we’re a bold and vibrant bunch, and we wanted colors to reflect that.

I won’t go deep into color theory here, even though it’s a fascinating topic. Instead let me introduce you to our core brand colors: Bright Green and Local Blue.


Our new core colors

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