16 Local SEO Experts You Need to Follow on Twitter

We talk a lot here about how to keep up to date on local SEO news, from forums to webinars, and beyond. But what better way to learn than by delving deep into the experts’ realm?

If you’re looking for daily updates on the latest changes in Google My Business, local search algorithm updates, or even upcoming events, then Twitter is the place for you.

To help you build your following list, we’re shouting out 16 local SEO experts you need to follow.

And sadly, yes, we did have to whittle this list down to just 16. While Twitter is full of knowledgeable SEOs, we’ve opted for the most active, but if you’re looking for even more SEOs to fill your timeline with, then be sure to check out our full list of local SEO experts.

1. Colan Nielsen, Sterling Sky

Colan Nielsen on Twitter

If you frequent online local SEO communities and forums, you’ll likely have seen Colan’s face before. A key member of the Sterling Sky local search Dream Team, Colan regularly shares his unique expertise and insights on Twitter.

Colan frequently shares new updates surrounding Google My Business and is always vocal in the conversation around local search. Plus, if you follow Colan you’ll be among the first to see his always-insightful blogs for Sterling Sky and LocalU, such as his recent work on the potential local ranking update.

Just a reminder that GMB is still operating with limited functionality. “Short names and Videos are not currently working. You will need to wait for Google to turn these features back on.” https://t.co/uM03f83Yaa

— Colan Nielsen (@ColanNielsen) May 26, 2020

Oh, and you’ll get to see him demonstrate hisimpeccable taste in clothing…

Follow Colan on Twitter

2. Claire Carlile, Claire Carlile Marketing

Claire Carlile on Twitter

A ray of sunshine in the (let’s be real, sometimes stressful) world of Twitter, this list would not be complete without Claire.

One of the few UK-based SEOs, Claire regularly shares her day-to-day experiences on Twitter, using her loyal client base’s work to highlight new findings and the like. 

oooh look – new COVID-19 support posts live in the business profile #GoogleMyBusiness #LocalSEO 💥💌ðŸ§pic.twitter.com/yKKgH7Y2VT

— Claire Carlile🕊🌊🥑🦥 (@clairecarlile) May 21, 2020

Claire is also often among the first to spot new changes in Google My Business, as well as publishing her own in-depth guides to the ever-changing quirks of GMB, or even big changes to SERPs, such as Google’s “Featured Snippets Apocalypseâ€.

And as a bonus? You might just learn a little something about the wonderful world of British politics while you’re at it!

Follow Claire on Twitter

3. Tim Capper, Online Ownership

Tim Capper on Twitter

Next up, we’ve another UK-based SEO to fill your feed with — Tim Capper. As a GMB Product Expert, following Tim is practically a no-brainer.

Like the other people on this list, Tim regularly shares his own knowledge via blogs, mainly specializing in service-area businesses.

This is a timely reminder to hotels to check for any new updates to their attributes in Google My Business.#GoogleMyBusiness #LocalSEOhttps://t.co/hsrqSKypvG

— Tim Capper (@GuideTwit) May 26, 2020

So if you want to know what’s what when it comes to SABs, Tim is the person for you. Or if you’re someone who deals with hotel or hospitality clients, you’ll benefit from Tim’s regular insights into the quirks of hotel GMB listings.

Follow Tim on Twitter

4. Dan Leibson, Local SEO Guide

Dan Leibson on Twitter

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