
Showing posts from March, 2022

New Academy Course: A Beginner’s Guide to Local SEO

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential tool for local businesses and the marketers working with them. SEO is key to establishing and boosting the online presence of a business, which will naturally lead to greater interest and potentially more sales, too. The simple truth is, if you want your business to be discovered by local customers, then you’ll need to utilize local SEO to enhance your discoverability on Google. With 8.5 billion Google searches being made every day—and nearly half of them having local intent—it’s easy to see just how important this is. So, if your business isn’t using local SEO to get a piece of the action, then it should be! Our new BrightLocal Academy course— A Beginner’s Guide to Local SEO —will teach you all you need to know about local SEO, and you’ll also learn exactly what to do to get started. We’ve created this course in collaboration with SEO Specialist, Greg Gifford, and we’ve covered everything from website content, inbound links, an

How We Can Support Women in SEO: Advice for Women, from Women

We recently sponsored and attended the 2022 Women in Tech SEO Fest, a full-day conference with speakers from all corners of the SEO industry. The session covered four important topics: analyze, advance, innovate, and empower. Every session gave attendees a huge amount of information and inspiration to support their work in SEO. Not to mention motivation for them to progress in their careers and find their own personal successes both in and out of the workplace. Although the event helped celebrate the achievements of women in SEO, the work still isn’t done. Women in Local SEO In our recent Local Search Industry Survey, 35% of people who completed the survey identified as women, compared to 62% who identified as men (3% identified as ‘Other’ or preferred not to say). A survey from Moz also found that “ men outnumber women by more than 2 to 1 in SEO ”. The gender imbalance also means it’s often harder for a woman to progress their careers in SEO too. Results from our Local Search Indus